Welcome to the official website
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The Guru gives you spiritual knowledge and protection from all evil forces, but there is one condition: the disciple must be worthy and be ready to accept it. The clean pure mind alone can bring in Divine Grace.

- Our Guru
- Happenings
- Saranagathi
- Freedom is not for free
- Vidhwat sanyasa and divine descent
- "Ananyaas chintha yentho"
- Satyam, gnanam, anantham bramha
- Sri Gurubhyo Namaha
- Picture Journeys
- Visit to Guruvayur
- One look of grace
- Padma Sarangapani school visit
- PSBB School visit
- Sathguru Smiles
- Sri Vishnu Mohan's Jayanthi 2008
- Picture Shows
- Videos
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